Back in 2009 and 2010 I published Mission Stories, a video series designed to help Uniting Church congregations reflect on their participation in God’s mission. The six part series comes with a 50 page written resource with discussion questions and planning tools.
Here’s a collection of “foundational theses” at the heart of the series. Each of them carries a tension between God’s initiative and our own initiative, the big picture and our local context.
- Christian mission belongs to God. Christian mission is centred in God’s engagement with the world, highlighted in the sending of Jesus into the world. (John 1:1-14)
Christian mission as a phrase is used here
- The people of God are called to join in the mission of God in worshipping, witnessing and serving in the wider community. This participation is inspired by the gospel story and words/actions of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20).
- The fruit of God’s mission is brought about by the Holy Spirit acting in, through and beyond the people of God. The results are lives transformed, communities changed and people made whole (Luke 4:18-19).
- God acts through those who profess faith in Christ and put that faith into action. God’s action and intent cannot be confined, contained or claimed exclusively by anyone. (Acts)
- While the Christian gospel is for all people, regardless of gender, ethnicity or socioeconomic context, it is and must be interpreted and embodied by particular people groups wherever they are. (Galatians)
- God’s missional engagement with the world is broader and deeper than any one person or group can comprehend. Together, as the reconciled and reconciling people of God, we have many opportunities to explore the fullness of God’s action. (Ephesians)