The Pastoral Relations Committee (PRC) is responsible for pastoral care and relational oversight of all those in ministry in placements. It also deals with all aspects of applications for Minister of the Word or other ministry positions and has oversight of all candidates to such positions. The Pastoral Relations Committee’s core work is around the placement and employment of ministry agents, ordained and lay, in congregations and other settings. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, February to December, from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.

The PRC is working with the Presbytery Ministry Team to encourage connectivity between ministry agents. This includes geographical cluster meetings, meetings of culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD) ministries, women in ministry, and retired ministers.

Chair: Cameron McAdam
Secretary: Ian Menzies (Minutes), Anne Kim (Correspondence)
Members: Ineke Gyles, Belinda Clear, Nigel McBrien. Ross Pearce, James Douglas
Presbytery Minister: Anneke Oppewal

New members are needed.

Ministry Formation Team
The Ministry Formation team carries responsibility for the Period of Discernment, applications for candidature in Minister of Word and Deacon ministries, and core phase of ministry formation for ordained ministers. Meetings are held when needed.

Chair: Jay Robinson
Secretary: Lesley Armstrong
Members: Julie Hall, Alex Sangster, Fiona Winn, Mike You, Tracie Mulia, Lyn Robertson, John Haig
Presbytery Minister Anneke Oppewal.

Ministry of Pastor Team
The Ministry of Pastor team carries responsibility for employment arrangements for lay ministry agents across the Presbytery, and reports to the Pastoral Relations Committee. In 2021 the Ministry of Pastor team is working with the Mission & Leadership Development Committee to grow capacity for people serving in lay specified ministries and other local staff arrangements. Meetings are held when needed.

Chair: Jay Robinson
Members: Di Paterson and Belinda Clear, Alison Dingwall