Port Phillip East Presbytery has entered a new era with a full team. We have officially welcomed and inducted our new Presbytery Minster Team Leader Jay Robinson, Presbytery Minister Church Development Robin Yang and Presbytery Chairperson David Higham at the Presbytery Special Induction Service on 31 January 2024. As Anneke mentioned in the Presbytery Weekly Newsletter, ‘Anne Kim and I are there as ‘old hands’ and both very much looking forward to working in this new configuration. There has been an air of excitement and hope, envisioning and dreaming about what would be possible and where we would want to direct our energies first’. PPEP doesn’t not just want to create strategies for strategy’s sake, PPEP wants to be a conduit of communication that brings churches and wider communities closer together in Jesus, building intimate relationships and improving connections, resourcing and networking.

For more photos from the induction and commissioning service, please refer to the fb link here