Port Phillip East Presbytery Ministry Team is inviting people in the Presbytery for this year’s first Drop in lunch on Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday, on 13 February at 12.30pm onward at the Presbytery office in Noble Park. This will be a great opportunity to meet our new PM Team including Presbytery Minister Team Leader: Jay Robinson, Presbytery Minister Church Development: Robin Yang, Presbytery Minister Pastoral: Anneke Oppewal and Presbytery Chairperson: David Higham, our new Standing Committee is also meeting that morning. Come along to share lunch and chat about your vision for 2024 and any topics you are interested in. We are going to make pancakes to share but you are more than welcome to get lunch from one of the many great food outlets in Noble Park yourself, or bring your own. Coffee and tea will be provided. Entry by Gold Coin Donation in support of Uniting. For enquiries, please contact Anne Kim, Presbytery Secretary (secretary@ucappep.org). Registration is required by end of business on Friday 9 Feb to allow the team to prepare for the day.

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