Supply ministry is a temporary and supportive role normally focused on worship and pastoral care. Where the supply ministry replaces a Minister in Placement, that person must be involved in and approve of the agreement and the primary ministry tasks. Supply ministry is not normally a strategic role focused on developing future possibilities for ministry or piloting innovative mission activities in the community. There may be situations, however, where a Presbytery initiates a supply ministry in order to address specific needs.
Generally Presbytery approves short term supply ministry for periods no longer than three months. Extensions beyond that time require a new application for a further term — even if the same person is continuing as the supply minister. Extensions beyond three months will be regarded as Long Term Supply.
Long Term Supply
Long term supply ministry is to be discussed with the relevant Presbytery Minister before application to the Pastoral Relations Committee, in relation to pastoral need, financial situation, and other Synod requirements when appointing a long-term supply minister.
Supply Ministry is not appropriate for a long-term ministry. Any request for approval of an extension that would mean the total term would exceed two years will necessitate a full review by the Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee of the ministry needs of the congregation. This may lead to the creation of an employment relationship for a non-placement position, or may result in a review to determine if the congregation should be engaged in a more formal placement process.
Approval process
This request for approval documents the proposed arrangements between a congregation and the supply minister and is to be completed by an officer of the Church Council and submitted for approved by the Pastoral Relations Committee of the nominated Presbytery. It may be used by an Agency or School with appropriate adjustments to terminology.
Approval of the relevant Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee must be obtained prior to the commencement of any period (initial or renewal) of supply ministry. Note that this means a request should be submitted at least one month prior to the proposed start date. If significant changes to this agreement become necessary, a new Request should be submitted to the Pastoral Relations Committee. Download the form here: Request for Supply Arrangements Form
Further information
Supply ministry is provided under the terms of the UCA Handbook of Ministerial Provisions and Charges and the current Summary of Ministerial Provisions and Charges (see Terms of Placement Committee page). These documents detail the provisions for Long Term Supply Ministry (more than three months in the one location), pro rata rates for part-time supply, and include Minimum stipend, Personal Resource Development Allowance, Car Allowance, and Manse Allowance.
A current Victorian Working with Children Check (WWCC) or Tasmanian Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) registration (or equivalent) is required of all appointed leaders in the Uniting Church, including anyone in supply ministry (see Keeping Children Safe Policy WWC1.