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Port Phillip East Presbytery encourages members of congregations to take part in Preaching Workshops in September and October, coordinated by the Victoria Tasmania Synod’s eLM (Equipping Leaders for Mission) unit.
Register online for each session at Eventbrite
Online delivery across the Synod – 2 hours per week
Join others in Zoom delivery of Worship and Preaching workshops, combining a tutorial based on the online units, and input from a variety of church leaders.
Access to online Worship and Preaching units
Access online units written around the Assembly W&P competencies for Lay Preachers and Ministry of Pastor.
Local assessment
For those who opt for assessment, this will occur within their Congregation/Faith Community/Hub or Presbytery.
1 Sept – Exploring Preaching – What is Preaching?
with Mel Perkins & Rev Dev Anandarajan, Intercultural Leadership Development, eLM
**Ticket sales for this sessions ends at 10am Monday 30th August
8 Sept – Understanding Preaching 1 – Interpreting Biblical texts/working with difficult texts
with Mel Perkins & Rev Dr Sean Winter, Head of Pilgrim Theological College
**Ticket sales for this sessions ends at 10am Monday 6th September
15 Sept – Understanding Preaching 2 – Responding to the Word (as Preacher and hearer)
with Mel Perkins & Rev Gordon Wild, Chaplain at Bendigo Health
**Ticket sales for this sessions ends at 10am Monday 13th September
6 Oct – Preparing to Preach – Putting bits together/The art of Preaching
with Mel Perkins & Rev Linley Liersch, Mission Development Strategist, Presbytery of Port Phillip West
**Ticket sales for this sessions ends at 10am Monday 4th October
13 Oct – Preaching as Leadership 1 – The ethics in and of Preaching/ Getting your message across: Communication in Preaching
with Mel Perkins & Rohan Pryor, Synod Liaison Minister (Tasmania)
**Ticket sales for this sessions ends at 10am Monday 11th October
20 Oct – Preaching as Leadership 2 – The challenges and joys of preaching as yourself/Preaching with Creativity and Imagination
with Mel Perkins & Rev Deacon Peter Batten, Mission and Education Resourcing Minister, Presbytery of Gippsland
**Ticket sales for this sessions ends at 10am Monday 18th October