How Presbytery is functioning
As a Presbytery, we are committed to continuing support for each congregation and each ministry agent.
Every Friday, 10 – 11 am, you can join the Presbytery’s online video meeting (Zoom Café) to talk about how you’re going and connect with others. If you can’t make it online, we’re happy to receive emails or phone calls. Contact the Presbytery
We are running our committee meetings online using Zoom video conferencing. Inductions of ministers are generally held with a small group and live streamed. We're running our Presbytery meetings on Zoom, and when possible in person as well.
Ideas for Worship
Some of our congregations have started work on broadcasting recorded material or live streaming worship services, using a small group of people at the church or another location. Options include YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, and audio-only podcasts. We’ve put a list here of the channels we’re aware of. See here for how-to ideas, including advice on copyright.
Some of our congregations are preparing written resources, including images, that can be sent to members by email or snail mail, providing reflections, prayers and other inspirational content for use during the week and on Sundays.
Some of our congregations are using video conferencing to gather people together for worship, in small or larger groups.
Funerals and Weddings
Because of the limitations on gathering size, many funerals will be held with only closest family members present. In many cases, video streaming and recording will be possible. Talk with your funeral directors about the most appropriate place to hold a funeral. Weddings, likewise, may need to be held with a smaller group of attendees. Options include postponing and live broadcasting.
Ideas for Pastoral Care
We’re aware that Uniting Church congregations are providing support for their members and other people in their communities, including using the phone for one-on-one or group conversations, online chats and video conferencing, using WhatsApp, and shopping co-ops.
How to run meetings
We’ve posted an article on using technology to stay in touch and experience worship together, including telephone, email and online video conferencing like Zoom and GoToMeeting software.
Faith practices at home
We’re sharing resources for daily and weekly practices that grow faith.
We’re sharing ideas on how we connect with our neighbours and look out for vulnerable people in our communities.
We’ve prepared advice on helping members with online banking & direct debit arrangements. Some will be happy with supporting the congregation by posting a cheque. Some congregations use online apps for giving.
We’ll be sharing ongoing practical tips on keeping our premises safe and ensuring that our members have every chance to stay well.
We’ll share your tips on hardware and software that enhances your life as a congregation.
Public Relations
We encourage you find some ways to let the wider community know that your congregation is alive and well and can be contacted for assistance, using your church signs, web site, social media and local newspaper.
Join with the Uniting Church in Australia in prayer for
- Wisdom and courage to take action to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
- Compassion and comfort for those mourning the loss of loved ones, those who are ill, those who are isolated, and those who are suffering.
- Uniting Church communities and members, that we creatively find ways to nurture people in faith, and Christian community and continue to compassionately serve people, who are needing practical support, love and hope, during this tumultuous time.
Duncan Macleod, Presbytery Minister: Team Leader
0439 828 718
Anneke Oppewal, Presbytery Minister: Pastoral Care
0437 298 454
Craig Mitchell, Presbytery Minister: Church Development
0417 323 088
Tom Spurling, Presbytery Chairperson
0409 461 390
Anne Kim, Presbytery Secretary
0438 181 812
Jeff Gardner, Presbytery Treasurer
0419 886 659