The March 19 Presbytery meeting began with “One in Christ”, a worship music video produced for UnitingWorld’s Seven Days of Solidarity campaign. The campaign is designed for Uniting Church congregations to hear about the work of Chrsit in different parts of the world, pray for work and take action in solidarity (including giving). UnitingWorld has timed the resources for this campaign to be available for the week from Sunday March 27 to Sunday April 3, but you can choose any week you like. UnitingWorld has a bunch of resources, including a launch video for the first Sunday, seven stories for each of the days of the week with prayer ideas, and a full celebration service including sermon, prayer, liturgy and music. Visit to access the resources, including the lyrics and music for One In Christ.
One in Christ Credits
One in Christ was written by Roxanne McLeod, a member of Leichhardt Uniting Church in Sydney, and performed with Rev Ellie and Andrew Elia, Kelly and Julian Elia, Rev Radhika and Rev Adrian Sukumar-White, Melissa Coleman and Matt Potts.