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Many congregations have members who are deeply concerned about the climate mess we are leaving our grandchildren. But we all know how difficult it is to maintain climate action momentum when there are so many competing demands on our time, and so many good things we could be doing. What better way to help our churches become more aware of how to change for the better, than to identify others with the same concern, and share the burden.
Churches that have groups committed to climate action make a difference. They encourage individuals and the whole church to make changes around their use of fossil fuels, their recycling, their care for the whole creation. But it’s clear that the wider the group is, the bigger the impact. And the more efficient the use of people resources.
The Climate Action Network is one presbytery-wide avenue for small groups in local congregations to help each other access resources, share stories, and generate ideas. As an example, at the April meeting members shared, among other resources and tips:
- that Hampton UCA is hosting the Bayside Climate Crisis Action Group which originated with the Council in 2006. Resources and Events from the BCCAG are used regularly by churches in the Bayside area.
- that there is a series of resources and videos called Towards Net Zero: Good News Stories that share national Uniting Church stories highlighting possibilities and achievements in moving us all towards a sustainable future, ‘prioritising the wisdom of First Peoples.’
- that the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change is resourcing a Week of Action from the 14th to the 24th of September for people of all faiths around Australia to “publicly call for a clear plan to get us out of this climate crisis and move boldly and rapidly away from coal and gas and towards a sustainable future.”
- that Tom and Andrea wrote an article for Newsbeat about the need to consider an ethical or low carbon Superannuation fund.
The next meeting, which will be a joint meeting with Port Phillip West Presbytery’s Network, is on Thursday, 18th July at 7.30pm on Zoom. Heather Baxter is chairing the group while Rev Deacon Andrea Mayes is on leave. For the Zoom link, and other information, contact Heather at dhas60@hotmail.com
- https://www.bccag.org.au/
- https://uniting.church/towards-net-zero/
- https://www.arrcc.org.au/weekofaction
- https://ucappep.org/newsbeat/