ADVENT UNLEASHED! is an online worship resourcing morning for preachers and worship leaders on Saturday 8 October, 10.00am-12.45pm AEST (Melbourne time).

ADVENT UNLEASHED! is an invitation to put aside a domesticated, sugary Christmas story and let the biblical narratives break open their good news and their difficult words for out times. Advent brings apocalyptic words of rupture as well as words of promise. The Incarnation is not a the coming of a meek and mild God, but of a Prince of Peace who comes to transform our world.


9.45am Zoom open for welcome and chat
0.00am Opening Reflection and Prayer
10.15am Plenary session with Rev Dr Robyn Whitaker
11.15am Break
11.30am-12.45pm Electives
12.45pm Finish

Robyn Whitaker
Robyn Whitaker is a UCA minister and Associate Professor at Pilgrim Theological College and the University of Divinity. She is a biblical scholar and public theologian. Robyn will explore the lectionary texts in Isaiah and Matthew as they relate to our place and time, and offer insights to help preachers and other worship leaders.

ELECTIVES: 11.30am – 12.45pm

1. The Making of Jesus – Rev Anneke Oppewal
Looking for an alternative to the lectionary readings either before or after Christmas? The genealogies in Matthew and Luke are barely ever looked at or preached from. They can provide some fascinating new angles into understanding the who, what, why of the Jesus of the gospels. Why not spend two or three Sundays exploring Jesus’ ancestry and the story it tells about him with your congregation? Sermon notes, background and liturgical suggestions are included in the package you will take away from this session.

2. New Music for Advent and Christmas – Alison Campbell-Rate, Rev Jay Robinson and Rev Duncan Macleod
Come and learn some new music for congregational singing. Our band will teach new and recent contemporary songs by Australian and New Zealand authors, suitable for a wide age range and for solo instruments or bands. Sources for new music will be provided. Spark up the season with song!

3. Intercultural Incarnation – Rev Dr Amelia Koh-Butler
The biblical narratives don’t reflect the white, Western, sugar-coated Christmas. Around the world are many rich, culturally diverse, socially disturbing expressions of the coming and birth of Jesus. Join Amelia in exploring the season through insights, music, stories and images that might help your celebrations become more diverse, more inclusive and more open to the unexpected embodiment of God-with-us.

4. Intergenerational, Interactive Christmas – Dr Craig Mitchell
Learn how to create a community event in which all ages can explore the story of Christmas through creative arts, story and multi-sensory experiences. Craig will show and tell the story of an event which he directed for 5 years in Adelaide. Interactive Christmas was inclusive of church people and the wider community and became a regular connecting point across generations. Explore how your church might make community connections.