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Ministers, Candidates, Pastors, Chaplains and Lay People engaged in ministry in the Vic/Tas Synod are required to attend two Code of Ethics workshops (Ethical Ministry Refreshers) each year. The first refresher for 2022 is focused on learning from our experience of COVID-19 over the last two years. Port Phillip East Presbytery is running the workshop twice in August. People can choose to attend on Thursday evening August 25 October 21, 6.30 pm to 12.30 pm, or Wednesday morning,August 31, 9.30 am – 12.30 pm. If neither of these options suit, you can attend a workshop led by another Presbytery or by the Synod’s Culture of Safety team.
The topic this time is “Called into being by God” and connects in with learning through the COVID pandemic. Register online at Download the UCA Code of Ethics and Ministry Practice, Values and Principles in COVID article, and Participants Workbook.